
We provide some task-specific demo scripts to test a single image.


You can use the following commands to test a pair of image and trimap.

python demo/ ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} ${MASKED_IMAGE_FILE} ${MASK_FILE} ${SAVE_FILE} [--imshow] [--device ${GPU_ID}]

If --imshow is specified, the demo will also show image with opencv. Examples:

python demo/ configs/inpainting/global_local/ xxx.pth tests/data/image/celeba_test.png tests/data/image/bbox_mask.png tests/data/pred/inpainting_celeba.png

The predicted inpainting result will be save in tests/data/pred/inpainting_celeba.png.


You can use the following commands to test a pair of image and trimap.

python demo/ ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} ${IMAGE_FILE} ${TRIMAP_FILE} ${SAVE_FILE} [--imshow] [--device ${GPU_ID}]

If --imshow is specified, the demo will also show image with opencv. Examples:

python demo/ configs/mattors/dim/ work_dirs/dim_stage3/latest.pth tests/data/merged/GT05.jpg tests/data/trimap/GT05.png tests/data/pred/GT05.png

The predicted alpha matte will be save in tests/data/pred/GT05.png.


You can use the following commands to test an image for restoration.

python demo/ ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} ${IMAGE_FILE} ${SAVE_FILE} [--imshow] [--device ${GPU_ID}]

If --imshow is specified, the demo will also show image with opencv. Examples:

python demo/ configs/restorer/esrgan/ work_dirs/esrgan_x4c64b23g32_1x16_400k_div2k/latest.pth tests/data/lq/baboon_x4.png demo/demo_out_baboon.png

The restored image will be save in demo/demo_out_baboon.png.


python demo/ ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} ${IMAGE_FILE} ${SAVE_FILE} [--unpaired_path ${UNPAIRED_IMAGE_FILE}] [--imshow] [--device ${GPU_ID}]

If --unpaired_path is specified (used for CycleGAN), the model will perform unpaired image-to-image translation. If --imshow is specified, the demo will also show image with opencv. Examples:


python demo/ configs/ work_dirs/example_exp/example_model_20200202.pth demo/demo.jpg demo/demo_out.jpg

Unpaired (also show image with opencv):

python demo/ configs/ work_dirs/example_exp/example_model_20200202.pth demo/demo.jpg demo/demo_out.jpg --unpaired_path demo/demo_unpaired.jpg --imshow