Source code for mmedit.models.synthesizers.cycle_gan

import os.path as osp

import mmcv
import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn
from mmcv.parallel import MMDistributedDataParallel
from mmcv.runner import auto_fp16

from mmedit.core import tensor2img
from ..base import BaseModel
from ..builder import build_backbone, build_component, build_loss
from ..common import GANImageBuffer, set_requires_grad
from ..registry import MODELS

[docs]@MODELS.register_module() class CycleGAN(BaseModel): """CycleGAN model for unpaired image-to-image translation. Ref: Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks Args: generator (dict): Config for the generator. discriminator (dict): Config for the discriminator. gan_loss (dict): Config for the gan loss. cycle_loss (dict): Config for the cycle-consistency loss. id_loss (dict): Config for the identity loss. Default: None. train_cfg (dict): Config for training. Default: None. You may change the training of gan by setting: `disc_steps`: how many discriminator updates after one generator update. `disc_init_steps`: how many discriminator updates at the start of the training. These two keys are useful when training with WGAN. `direction`: image-to-image translation direction (the model training direction): a2b | b2a. `buffer_size`: GAN image buffer size. test_cfg (dict): Config for testing. Default: None. You may change the testing of gan by setting: `direction`: image-to-image translation direction (the model training direction): a2b | b2a. `show_input`: whether to show input real images. `test_direction`: direction in the test mode (the model testing direction). CycleGAN has two generators. It decides whether to perform forward or backward translation with respect to `direction` during testing: a2b | b2a. pretrained (str): Path for pretrained model. Default: None. """ def __init__(self, generator, discriminator, gan_loss, cycle_loss, id_loss=None, train_cfg=None, test_cfg=None, pretrained=None): super(CycleGAN, self).__init__() self.train_cfg = train_cfg self.test_cfg = test_cfg # identity loss only works when input and output images have the same # number of channels if id_loss is not None and id_loss.get('loss_weight') > 0.0: assert generator.get('in_channels') == generator.get( 'out_channels') # generators self.generators = nn.ModuleDict() self.generators['a'] = build_backbone(generator) self.generators['b'] = build_backbone(generator) # discriminators self.discriminators = nn.ModuleDict() self.discriminators['a'] = build_component(discriminator) self.discriminators['b'] = build_component(discriminator) # GAN image buffers self.image_buffers = dict() self.buffer_size = (50 if self.train_cfg is None else self.train_cfg.get('buffer_size', 50)) self.image_buffers['a'] = GANImageBuffer(self.buffer_size) self.image_buffers['b'] = GANImageBuffer(self.buffer_size) # losses assert gan_loss is not None # gan loss cannot be None self.gan_loss = build_loss(gan_loss) assert cycle_loss is not None # cycle loss cannot be None self.cycle_loss = build_loss(cycle_loss) self.id_loss = build_loss(id_loss) if id_loss else None # others self.disc_steps = 1 if self.train_cfg is None else self.train_cfg.get( 'disc_steps', 1) self.disc_init_steps = (0 if self.train_cfg is None else self.train_cfg.get('disc_init_steps', 0)) if self.train_cfg is None: self.direction = ('a2b' if self.test_cfg is None else self.test_cfg.get('direction', 'a2b')) else: self.direction = self.train_cfg.get('direction', 'a2b') self.step_counter = 0 # counting training steps self.show_input = (False if self.test_cfg is None else self.test_cfg.get('show_input', False)) # In CycleGAN, if not showing input, we can decide the translation # direction in the test mode, i.e., whether to output fake_b or fake_a if not self.show_input: self.test_direction = ('a2b' if self.test_cfg is None else self.test_cfg.get('test_direction', 'a2b')) if self.direction == 'b2a': self.test_direction = ('b2a' if self.test_direction == 'a2b' else 'a2b') # support fp16 self.fp16_enabled = False self.init_weights(pretrained)
[docs] def init_weights(self, pretrained=None): """Initialize weights for the model. Args: pretrained (str, optional): Path for pretrained weights. If given None, pretrained weights will not be loaded. Default: None. """ self.generators['a'].init_weights(pretrained=pretrained) self.generators['b'].init_weights(pretrained=pretrained) self.discriminators['a'].init_weights(pretrained=pretrained) self.discriminators['b'].init_weights(pretrained=pretrained)
[docs] def get_module(self, module): """Get `nn.ModuleDict` to fit the `MMDistributedDataParallel` interface. Args: module (MMDistributedDataParallel | nn.ModuleDict): The input module that needs processing. Returns: nn.ModuleDict: The ModuleDict of multiple networks. """ if isinstance(module, MMDistributedDataParallel): return module.module else: return module
[docs] def setup(self, img_a, img_b, meta): """Perform necessary pre-processing steps. Args: img_a (Tensor): Input image from domain A. img_b (Tensor): Input image from domain B. meta (list[dict]): Input meta data. Returns: Tensor, Tensor, list[str]: The real images from domain A/B, and \ the image path as the metadata. """ a2b = self.direction == 'a2b' real_a = img_a if a2b else img_b real_b = img_b if a2b else img_a image_path = [v['img_a_path' if a2b else 'img_b_path'] for v in meta] return real_a, real_b, image_path
[docs] @auto_fp16(apply_to=('img_a', 'img_b')) def forward_train(self, img_a, img_b, meta): """Forward function for training. Args: img_a (Tensor): Input image from domain A. img_b (Tensor): Input image from domain B. meta (list[dict]): Input meta data. Returns: dict: Dict of forward results for training. """ # necessary setup real_a, real_b, image_path = self.setup(img_a, img_b, meta) generators = self.get_module(self.generators) fake_b = generators['a'](real_a) rec_a = generators['b'](fake_b) fake_a = generators['b'](real_b) rec_b = generators['a'](fake_a) results = dict( real_a=real_a, fake_b=fake_b, rec_a=rec_a, real_b=real_b, fake_a=fake_a, rec_b=rec_b) return results
[docs] def forward_test(self, img_a, img_b, meta, save_image=False, save_path=None, iteration=None): """Forward function for testing. Args: img_a (Tensor): Input image from domain A. img_b (Tensor): Input image from domain B. meta (list[dict]): Input meta data. save_image (bool, optional): If True, results will be saved as images. Default: False. save_path (str, optional): If given a valid str path, the results will be saved in this path. Default: None. iteration (int, optional): Iteration number. Default: None. Returns: dict: Dict of forward and evaluation results for testing. """ # No need for metrics during training for CycleGAN. And # this is a special trick in CycleGAN original paper & implementation, # collecting the statistics of the test batch at test time. # In fact, no effects: IN + no dropout for CycleGAN. self.train() # necessary setup real_a, real_b, image_path = self.setup(img_a, img_b, meta) generators = self.get_module(self.generators) fake_b = generators['a'](real_a) fake_a = generators['b'](real_b) results = dict( real_a=real_a.cpu(), fake_b=fake_b.cpu(), real_b=real_b.cpu(), fake_a=fake_a.cpu()) # save image if save_image: assert save_path is not None folder_name = osp.splitext(osp.basename(image_path[0]))[0] if self.show_input: if iteration: save_path = osp.join( save_path, folder_name, f'{folder_name}-{iteration + 1:06d}-ra-fb-rb-fa.png') else: save_path = osp.join(save_path, f'{folder_name}-ra-fb-rb-fa.png') output = np.concatenate([ tensor2img(results['real_a'], min_max=(-1, 1)), tensor2img(results['fake_b'], min_max=(-1, 1)), tensor2img(results['real_b'], min_max=(-1, 1)), tensor2img(results['fake_a'], min_max=(-1, 1)) ], axis=1) else: if self.test_direction == 'a2b': if iteration: save_path = osp.join( save_path, folder_name, f'{folder_name}-{iteration + 1:06d}-fb.png') else: save_path = osp.join(save_path, f'{folder_name}-fb.png') output = tensor2img(results['fake_b'], min_max=(-1, 1)) else: if iteration: save_path = osp.join( save_path, folder_name, f'{folder_name}-{iteration + 1:06d}-fa.png') else: save_path = osp.join(save_path, f'{folder_name}-fa.png') output = tensor2img(results['fake_a'], min_max=(-1, 1)) flag = mmcv.imwrite(output, save_path) results['saved_flag'] = flag return results
[docs] def forward_dummy(self, img): """Used for computing network FLOPs. Args: img (Tensor): Dummy input used to compute FLOPs. Returns: Tensor: Dummy output produced by forwarding the dummy input. """ generators = self.get_module(self.generators) tmp = generators['a'](img) out = generators['b'](tmp) return out
[docs] def forward(self, img_a, img_b, meta, test_mode=False, **kwargs): """Forward function. Args: img_a (Tensor): Input image from domain A. img_b (Tensor): Input image from domain B. meta (list[dict]): Input meta data. test_mode (bool): Whether in test mode or not. Default: False. kwargs (dict): Other arguments. """ if not test_mode: return self.forward_train(img_a, img_b, meta) else: return self.forward_test(img_a, img_b, meta, **kwargs)
[docs] def backward_discriminators(self, outputs): """Backward function for the discriminators. Args: outputs (dict): Dict of forward results. Returns: dict: Loss dict. """ discriminators = self.get_module(self.discriminators) log_vars_d = dict() losses = dict() # GAN loss for discriminators['a'] fake_b = self.image_buffers['b'].query(outputs['fake_b']) fake_pred = discriminators['a'](fake_b.detach()) losses['loss_gan_d_a_fake'] = self.gan_loss( fake_pred, target_is_real=False, is_disc=True) real_pred = discriminators['a'](outputs['real_b']) losses['loss_gan_d_a_real'] = self.gan_loss( real_pred, target_is_real=True, is_disc=True) loss_d_a, log_vars_d_a = self.parse_losses(losses) loss_d_a *= 0.5 loss_d_a.backward() log_vars_d['loss_gan_d_a'] = log_vars_d_a['loss'] * 0.5 losses = dict() # GAN loss for discriminators['b'] fake_a = self.image_buffers['a'].query(outputs['fake_a']) fake_pred = discriminators['b'](fake_a.detach()) losses['loss_gan_d_b_fake'] = self.gan_loss( fake_pred, target_is_real=False, is_disc=True) real_pred = discriminators['b'](outputs['real_a']) losses['loss_gan_d_b_real'] = self.gan_loss( real_pred, target_is_real=True, is_disc=True) loss_d_b, log_vars_d_b = self.parse_losses(losses) loss_d_b *= 0.5 loss_d_b.backward() log_vars_d['loss_gan_d_b'] = log_vars_d_b['loss'] * 0.5 return log_vars_d
[docs] def backward_generators(self, outputs): """Backward function for the generators. Args: outputs (dict): Dict of forward results. Returns: dict: Loss dict. """ generators = self.get_module(self.generators) discriminators = self.get_module(self.discriminators) losses = dict() # Identity losses for generators if self.id_loss is not None and self.id_loss.loss_weight > 0: id_a = generators['a'](outputs['real_b']) losses['loss_id_a'] = self.id_loss( id_a, outputs['real_b']) * self.cycle_loss.loss_weight id_b = generators['b'](outputs['real_a']) losses['loss_id_b'] = self.id_loss( id_b, outputs['real_a']) * self.cycle_loss.loss_weight # GAN loss for generators['a'] fake_pred = discriminators['a'](outputs['fake_b']) losses['loss_gan_g_a'] = self.gan_loss( fake_pred, target_is_real=True, is_disc=False) # GAN loss for generators['b'] fake_pred = discriminators['b'](outputs['fake_a']) losses['loss_gan_g_b'] = self.gan_loss( fake_pred, target_is_real=True, is_disc=False) # Forward cycle loss losses['loss_cycle_a'] = self.cycle_loss(outputs['rec_a'], outputs['real_a']) # Backward cycle loss losses['loss_cycle_b'] = self.cycle_loss(outputs['rec_b'], outputs['real_b']) loss_g, log_vars_g = self.parse_losses(losses) loss_g.backward() return log_vars_g
[docs] def train_step(self, data_batch, optimizer): """Training step function. Args: data_batch (dict): Dict of the input data batch. optimizer (dict[torch.optim.Optimizer]): Dict of optimizers for the generators and discriminators. Returns: dict: Dict of loss, information for logger, the number of samples\ and results for visualization. """ # data img_a = data_batch['img_a'] img_b = data_batch['img_b'] meta = data_batch['meta'] # forward generators outputs = self.forward(img_a, img_b, meta, test_mode=False) log_vars = dict() # discriminators set_requires_grad(self.discriminators, True) # optimize optimizer['discriminators'].zero_grad() log_vars.update(self.backward_discriminators(outputs=outputs)) optimizer['discriminators'].step() # generators, no updates to discriminator parameters. if (self.step_counter % self.disc_steps == 0 and self.step_counter >= self.disc_init_steps): set_requires_grad(self.discriminators, False) # optimize optimizer['generators'].zero_grad() log_vars.update(self.backward_generators(outputs=outputs)) optimizer['generators'].step() self.step_counter += 1 log_vars.pop('loss', None) # remove the unnecessary 'loss' results = dict( log_vars=log_vars, num_samples=len(outputs['real_a']), results=dict( real_a=outputs['real_a'].cpu(), fake_b=outputs['fake_b'].cpu(), real_b=outputs['real_b'].cpu(), fake_a=outputs['fake_a'].cpu())) return results
[docs] def val_step(self, data_batch, **kwargs): """Validation step function. Args: data_batch (dict): Dict of the input data batch. kwargs (dict): Other arguments. Returns: dict: Dict of evaluation results for validation. """ # data img_a = data_batch['img_a'] img_b = data_batch['img_b'] meta = data_batch['meta'] # forward generator results = self.forward(img_a, img_b, meta, test_mode=True, **kwargs) return results